“To ensure the well being of the neonates physical and emotional state at birth a tender, unmedicated passage with a seasoned midwife will adequately prepare the new born for this transition.” ~Lorraine Ferrante
A natural childbirth means Family Intimacy: your family and loved ones are encouraged to get involved. It means you will be in the comfort and privacy of our deluxe suites for birthing. You get to call the shots; who will attend your birth, land or water birth, eating drinking and moving around are all your choice.

A natural childbirth places the greatest emphasis on “Normalcy”; no unnecessary interventions.
It takes determination and commitment to have a natural birth.
You must prepare your mind and body. Labor and birth are their own kind of marathon, and just like you wouldn’t show up to run a marathon without training, you don’t want to show up to birth unprepared.
Chose where you will birth your baby. Choosing a birth center could be the first step in preparing for a natural, unmediated birth.