Determining what to do with the afterbirth can be daunting for many mothers. We can go through the options with you and help you decide what you would like to do with your placenta. We offer many different placenta services, you can choose to divide your placenta if you would like more than one service or choose only one service for your entire placenta.
Placentas are an organ grown for the sole purpose of nourishing the fetus and keeping labor from starting until the fetus is ready to survive outside the womb. Placentas are full of all the nutrients and hormones the female body stores to ensure the baby’s well being.
One option a mother may chose is to consume her placenta. A Placenta is high in nutrients and hormones which return to the mothers body after consumption.

It is reported that by consuming the placenta it can help the mother in many ways, promoting post partum recovery time. It helps to increase bonding with baby, increases milk production, promotes lactation due to leveling out of hormones, assists in replenishing hemoglobin; blood builder, replenishes vitamins and iron, helps to combat postpartum fatigue, supports the immune system, helps to manage stress levels and pain and helps to decrease postpartum depression for some women.
Our complete placenta services include:
Burial – we can help you choose a place to bury your placenta under a tree. Watch the tree grow with your baby!
Tincturing – we can tincture a piece of your placenta for you to use when you need it in the postpartum period.
Encapsulation – complete encapsulation.
Prints – a print made of your placenta, often called the ‘tree of life’.
Lotus birth – leaving the placenta attached to the baby until it falls off naturally.